鳞 · S C A L E 


鳞 · S C A L E系列作品为关于未来时间维度进行的考古采样的思考所创作的系列作品。人类世的繁荣乃人们对自然对社会的秩序性不断的维护与改造,变迁过程中产生的废墟与遗迹正是人们研究历史所考之证据。各种介质对信息的记录与归档技术的进步,对未来人们回看现在来说,已不会像我们在考古千年前的遗迹时体会到的神秘感以及众多的古迹留下的匪夷所思,而是种种碎片拼凑描绘出一个时代精确的整体画像。

“Scale既有鳞的意思,也有尺度的概念,既是微观视角下的线索,也是宏观现象的缩影。Sample #01 便是这样一个样本,LED便是代表一个时代的媒介之一,就像铸成城市的钢铁与水泥,它被埋葬在城市的坟墓中,它依然运行,它只不过是一块被忘记的过了气的显示屏,被我发现并收编为 1号样本。

——— 洪启乐

2118年7月 于桃花源  ”

鳞 · S C A L E – Anthropocene is a series of works created through the thinking of the archaeological sampling in the future time dimension. The prosperity of Anthropocene is a process that people make much effort to keep order in nature and the society.  Along the time, all the ruins and relics produced form the historical evidence for human to trace back. The progress of technology creates new formats that allowing the different types of media save and file the message to the future man, and this new format of history will be no longer mystery or bizarre, instead of that, it will be an accurate full picture to the human in future.

“鳞 · S C A L E” has both meanings of the many small flat skins of snakes or fish, and the idea of SIZE. It can be either a specific clue in the microscopic perspective,or the abstract of the macroscopic phenomena. The work SAMPLE #01 is one of the evidence. The LED  is one of the most popular symbols about media, representing THE era. Just like the steel and concrete that built a city. However, now, it retired and was abandoned in the wilderness, it still runs its mission, and never deserved to be buried by people, even be recycled to challenge the smarter materials. It just a display device which was forgotten by people. I discovered it and named it Sample No.1.”

——Hong Qile

July 2118, at an Utopia

