洪启乐 字 自康
出生于中国福建,现居北京。音乐厂牌Bwave创办人,视听艺术现场Pixel Echo发起人。从事音乐、视听艺术、装置艺术等跨媒介交互创作及相关活动的组织策划。
受邀参与各大艺术节、音乐节,美术展,其中包括:美国火人节 Burning Man 2019、中国当代艺术年鉴展、声呐香港电子音乐节、亚洲数字艺术展、深圳新媒体艺术节、相遇亚洲——多元化的青年艺术视觉展、界面效应 BECOMING 中国抽象艺术多媒介研究展等。
hong qile
born in Fujian, China, is an artist currently based in Beijing, China. As the founder of music brand Bwave and audiovisual brand Pixel Echo, he is actively involved in industries of music, audiovisual art, installation art, and related curating and producing, making him one of the most active cross-media art creator in the mainland China. Up to now, there are already more than 20 albums are produced by or featuring Hong’ music, more than 100 performances in and outside China involved Hong’s curation and performance.
Since 2004, he started his creative career in noise music. After that, he created music brand Bwave and organized numerous experimental music performance. In 2008, he produced the va:2, album featuring artists including alva noto, Longmo, Idrioema, and more international artists, for the 2nd anniversary of Bwave. In 2009, another compilation album, An Anthology of Chinese Experimental Music 1992-2008, was released in Sub Rosa. He shifted his focus on electronic music, digital arts, installation arts after 2012, exploring new perceptions and experiences for arts.